Wednesday, March 22, 2006

and the sun would glint


Anonymous said...

I really like the use of light here. this is probably my favorite of all on the front page right now--great angle, great moment. i would try to do something about those dust marks--if it's bc of the scanner then its easy to fix if you cared to. or you could always photoshop it! ;) again, i really like this picture. Blow it up, print it in a large format (8x10 or higher would do the trick) and give it to that girl. what a great present it would be!

in_a_blink photography said...

thank you! you're pretty much the only other photographer i've shown this too that didn't hate the angle. i love this picture a lot, which is why i printed it of course. yeah, the dust is from the scanner and since i'm not all too familiar with how to correct pictures on photoshop, i'm going to wait until we learn in the lab (which will be in two weeks). i showed it to my friend (who is in the picture) and i don't think she appreciates it as much as we do...

Anonymous said...

You are the coolest photographer i know Mary Neal. And i love the picture! I am proud to be your subject and only yours!